It is absolutely normal that the parents are very concerned about the gender of their baby. Some girls prefer, while others hope it's a boy this time. Today there are many ways to guess the sex of baby. Of course, accurate and highly recommended, of which medical procedures such as ultrasound, the 20th to the Week of pregnancy can be perfromed. Baby gender predictions are expected to be more accurate based on the assumption of science. However, if you can not wait and want to keep some fun (but not necessarily available), there are some old wives tales that help to couples, is to guess the baby's sex. Below we have listed below some of these tips.
High or Low - It is believed that the way you carry your baby in your belly one of the best ways is to guess the baby's sex. If you carry on down, you are more likely to have a boy. Otherwise, if you wear it high, there is a great chance to have a girl. This belief is supported by the science. Science says that the way you carry a baby has nothing to do with the sex of the baby. Instead, it is determined by factors such as the position of the baby, and your uterine tone your muscles.
Said urine - Another tip through your urine baby gender prediction test. All you need to do is a sample of urine and mix it with Drano. After mixing the urine with Drano, check the color of your urine. If it is brown, brown, black, blue, yellow, bluish Orr, you have a boy. On the other hand, if your urine is blue, green, brown, green, or not change at all, you're more likely to have a girl.
Heartbeat - Heartbeat is another way to help you to guess the gender of baby. It is believed that the fetal heart rate is different for boys and girls. When you get to a fetal heart rate of 140, you have a girl. If it is below 140, you have a boy. Science in turn argues that this belief. Contributions of science, it is the heartbeat of a baby has nothing to do with sex until the baby is born.
What do you want - it is said that you based your request on the sex of the baby. If you fancy chocolates and pastries, you're more likely to have a girl. On the other hand, the desire of the lemon juice and other acidic food cravings is a sign that you are going to have a boy.
Weight Gain - This does not refer to the mother. People believe that if your husband gains weight while you are pregnant, you should have a daughter. Otherwise, if he stays fit and no weight at all, you have a boy.
Please note that all the advice posted above no scientific basis. The best way to know your baby's sex, assumes an ultrasound.
Learn everything you need to know about baby gender and find tips and information helpful to guess the gender of baby predictions Aha! Baby.
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